Home Improvements Damaged Your Glasses? Undo That Damage Today

Doing home renovations yourself can save you a lot of money and help to ensure that you get the finished results that you'd hoped for when you started. Unfortunately, the glasses that you wear while performing those renovations can take the brunt of the abuse. Here, you'll find a few tips to help you undo the damage that the home renovations have done to your glasses.

Removing Latex Paint

It seems that no matter how careful you are, paint splatters get everywhere. If you forgot to put on your safety glasses to protect your eye glasses, you probably have small specks of paint all over the lenses and the frame. Well, the good news is, you can remove the paint without damaging the protective coating on the lenses.

  1. Heat a cup of water and add a cup of white vinegar. You want it to be pretty warm, but not scorching hot.
  2. Place the glasses in the mixture and let it sit until the water has begun to cool.
  3. Remove the glasses and get a credit or plastic gift card. Use the edge of the card to peel the paint specks off of the glasses.
  4. Reheat the mixture and repeat the process as many times as it takes to remove all of the specks — eventually, they'll all be gone.

Bent Frames

Bent frames can be hard to deal with — you want to fix the problem, but you surely don't want to make it worse by breaking the frames as you try to bend them back into place.

To make this easier for you, heat up some water in a bowl. Soak the glasses in the warm water to heat the material that the frame is made of. Once the frame is warm, you'll be able to more gently maneuver it into the correct position. Reheat the frames as many times as it takes for you to find the perfect fit again.

Popped Lens

If the lens has popped out of the frame, hopefully, it's just due to a loose screw. Sometimes, the screws that hold the lenses in place do come loose — if this is the case, you'll just have to put the lens back in, tighten the screw and apply a drop of clear fingernail polish to the top of it. This will keep the screw from coming loose, but you can use fingernail polish remover to remove the screw if you need to at a later date.

Talk with an optical products repair professional at a company like Southern  Colorado Eye Care Associates if you've run into a more serious problem or don't think you can make the above repairs yourself.

About Me

Choosing the Right Eyeglasses

I just got new glasses and, believe it or not, I’ve been told they make me look extremely attractive. My name is Heather. I’m twenty-nine years old. I work in a hospital doing my medical internship. Last month I went to have my eyes examined and was shocked to hear that I needed corrective lenses. I thought my vision was changing a bit, but not to the extent that I would need eyeglasses. I was horrified. I just thought that I was going to look like a freak with glasses. But I’m pleased to say that wasn’t the case at all. I went to the optician and with her help I came to realize that glasses can be an appealing fashion accessory. I would like to share some of the things I learned about choosing them. I hope this helps you!

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