Repairing Common Damages Your Glasses May Suffer

Eyeglasses are some of the most commonly needed optical products. While a pair of quality eyeglasses can be extremely durable and dependable, they are still accessories that can suffer damage that will eventually need to be addressed if you are to continue to comfortably wear the glasses.

Scratches To The Lenses Of The Glasses

Scratches on the lenses of the glasses can be a particularly problematic issue to encounter. When the lenses of the glasses become scratched, it can significantly reduce your ability to see while wearing the glasses. In some cases, these scratches may even contribute to eye strain and developing substantial headaches. Depending on the severity of the scratches, repair may not be an option, which could force you to have the lenses of your glasses replaced. To help prevent this problem from occurring, you should always keep the glasses in protective cases when you are not wearing them.

Warped Or Cracked Frames

In order to properly fit your face, the frames of your glasses will need to be perfectly level. If they were to become warped, the glasses may no longer fit you correctly. In addition to impacting your vision, this could also be extremely noticeable to anyone that is looking at your face. Once your glasses have become warped, they will likely need to be adjusted by a professional service in order for them to fit how they originally did. These services will have machines that can effectively align your glass frames. This is even possible with vinyl or plastic frames as these systems can gently warm these frames to allow for them to be adjusted without the risk of the frames breaking or even shattering.  

Missing And Misaligned Nose Pads

The weight of your glasses may not seem like much, but it can be enough to cause severe nose discomfort without nose pads that can absorb and distribute the weight of the glasses. As your glasses age, the nose pads may start to loosen or they may even fall off. If this occurs to your frames, it can be an easy repair as the new nose pads will simply need to be glued into place on the nose supports. In addition to being an extremely affordable repair to make to your glasses, this can also be a quick repair that may only take a few minutes to complete, but it will be able to save you from substantial nose discomfort from the weight of the glasses pressing on the bridge of your nose.

For more information on common repairs you may need for your glasses, talk to an eye care treatment professional like those at Southern  Colorado Eye Care Associates.

About Me

Choosing the Right Eyeglasses

I just got new glasses and, believe it or not, I’ve been told they make me look extremely attractive. My name is Heather. I’m twenty-nine years old. I work in a hospital doing my medical internship. Last month I went to have my eyes examined and was shocked to hear that I needed corrective lenses. I thought my vision was changing a bit, but not to the extent that I would need eyeglasses. I was horrified. I just thought that I was going to look like a freak with glasses. But I’m pleased to say that wasn’t the case at all. I went to the optician and with her help I came to realize that glasses can be an appealing fashion accessory. I would like to share some of the things I learned about choosing them. I hope this helps you!

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